Thursday, November 04, 2004

Return of The New Devil Twins

Brent and Brice: The New Devil Twins are at it again. They're the infamous twin 13 year olds who like to come in and print lots of stuff from the internet then take their pages and leave without paying for them.

We thought we'd cured them of this by busting them some months back, not only for not paying for their prints but for not having a permission slip on file saying they could even use the computers unsupervised. They've since had permission slips filed on them and have been far more diligent about paying for their prints. However, one of them was in recently and fell back into old bad habits and tried to print and run again. The really stupid thing about this is that he tried it while Mrs. A happened to be on duty.

After Brent (or Brice, we're never sure which) attempted to leave with his $1.60 worth of pages, Mrs. A stopped him and said he couldn't take those pages until he forked over money for them.

"But I didn't bring any money," Brent said.

"Then what business did you have printing anything?" Mrs. A countered.

It might be one thing if he was printing material for school; I've let kids slide on that sort of thing before. However, Brent was actually printing cheat codes for the latest episode of Grand Theft Auto, so he gets no break. Mrs. A told him he couldn't even use a computer again until he forked over the money. In his defense, he did come back on Tuesday and attempt to pay for them, but Mrs. B couldn't find his pages right away so she had to tell him to come back another day. He has yet to return.

Now, stealing prints is all fine and good for library types to get unhinged about on its own, but there's more...

After she checked to make sure Brent & Brice had a permission slip on file, Mrs. C noted that their birthday was in December of 1991, which makes them both 12 instead of 13 and thus ineligible for solo internet privileges for another month. So now when whichever one of them does return to pay for his prints, we'll be able to tell them that they have to wait until they're "big boys" before they can use the computers unsupervised.

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An employee of a small town "liberry" chronicles his quest to remain sane while dealing with patrons who could star in a short-lived David Lynch television series.