Friday, March 14, 2008

(Potential) Problem

At 7p, just as Ms. D was about to depart, leaving me alone for the long slog to 9p, who should walk in the door but "Liberry" Rogue #1, Chester the (Potential) Molester, a.k.a. the Patron Who Must Not Be Named.

We've spent the past few months not mentioning Chester's name and, until last night, Chester has held up his end of the contract by not magically appearing at the sound of it. But there he stood, ratty knit cap afixed atop his head, vaguely greasy and unwashed of appearance, with layers of vests and shirts.

Chester said, "mumblemumblemumble," which is what he usually says. I took from his glance at the computer sign in sheet that a computer was what he wanted. As we had no children in the building and since we had one open, I would grant his request. At least if he was at the computers he would be in sight of the desk. As I walked around to go log him on, he made a slightly less mumbled comment about "the computers down there" being full. By this he had to have meant the community college library, where he has been known to lurk, particularly back when he had a job as a janitor in the building. I'm pretty sure that job is no more.

Before Ms. D could leave, I told her to go out and get a good gander at the guy on computer #3 because he was a (potential) child molester and must be watched at all times when he's about. "I once had to kick him out for it," I added.

Ms. D peered around the corner of the staff workroom, took a good gander and said, "Ah, yes." Even someone who's never seen the man before can instantly recognize the inaudible claxon wail of DANGER-DANGER-DANGER that radiates from his person at all times.

Chester computed only a few minutes more, then left the building.


Gardenbuzzy said...

Dang, Juice, that is so scary! I am once again glad I work in a hospital library, far from and hidden from the public on the street.

Bitterly Indifferent said...

At least you're aware of him, and trying to stop Bad Things from happening, I guess. It still sucks that he won't go away.

An employee of a small town "liberry" chronicles his quest to remain sane while dealing with patrons who could star in a short-lived David Lynch television series.