Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Not lumber

After laughing with Mrs. C about her recent groping, I went back to my work. Then the phone rang. The phone had scarcely stopped ringing since I arrived. In fact, it took Mrs. C nearly 10 minutes to tell me the original groping story because she kept being interrupted by the phone. It's like all the people who failed to call and pester us during my recent heavenly Sunday shift were making up for it.

This time the call was from my wife. She had arrived in Princeton and got word from a classmate of hers that their Board Exam scores were in. Her classmate was hesitant to call in to hear if she'd passed, but my wife had to know right away. She phoned up the school.

As she was telling me this, I was trying to gauge her tone of voice to see if I could detect sorrow in it. I figured things were good, cause if she'd failed her boards she would have just called me in tears to begin with rather than build up the suspense about it all. (Kind of like I'm doing now.)

She passed!  And she did much better on this set of exams than she had on her first round of boards last year. (Her classmate also passed.) It's yet another milestone in her quest to become a doctor behind her. I think after the week she's had, she needed the boost.

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An employee of a small town "liberry" chronicles his quest to remain sane while dealing with patrons who could star in a short-lived David Lynch television series.