Friday, February 22, 2008

Dear Wandering Musician...

Okay, so when you were in two days back and asked if we had the capability to burn CDs with our public access computers, I did indeed tell you "Yes."

And when you asked if we could copy one CD's worth of your self-produced music onto another CD, I also said, "Yes."

I am also the guy who then explained to you that because each computer only has one CD drive, the easiest way for you to replicate your self-produced recording of your work was to save the song files onto what I described as "our temporary patron drive," and then burn those files onto a blank CD using the same single drive.

Please do note, however, that at no point during our conversation did I advise you to go out and give away BOTH the copy and your original CD to random strangers on the street for whom you have no contact information.

I would now like to further note that this is precisely what you did, a fact which you yourself have just explained to me after returning to our library, days later, having assumed incorrectly that your music would still be found within the confines of our "temporary patron drive." Unfortunately for you, the word "temporary" in "temporary patron drive" is there for a reason and was chosen as a descriptor due to the fact that our "temporary patron drive" is automatically wiped clean each time our computers are rebooted.

While I'm very sorry that you don't have any more copies of your music, it is hardly my fault that you're a dumbass who somehow expected that a public computer could be used as your own personal digital recording studio.

I hope that wasn't the master you gave away.

Keep on playin'.



theblackscorpio said...

Ohhhh, pain!

circulation monkeys said...

Amazing what patrons expect from employees of the liberry. I mean, we work at the liberry, so we must know everything. We have similar instances of patron genius at our liberry here

Thanks for the laughter. It feels good knowing I am not alone.

Circ. Monkeys-
The Boss

Anonymous said...

I had a patron once come back 2 months later looking for something they had saved to one of our computers.

That's only seconded by the lady who left the liberry for an hour, then came back looking for a her thesis she had started on one of our computers. I had explained to her when she check out the computer that nothing stays on our computers when they got rebooted. It never occurred to her that someone would use the computer during her absence, or the computer would freeze up leaving us the only option of rebooting it.

An employee of a small town "liberry" chronicles his quest to remain sane while dealing with patrons who could star in a short-lived David Lynch television series.