Friday, June 22, 2007

Dear Robert Palmer...

The strangest thing happened yesterday.

Mr. B-Natural came in, sans laptop, and signed up to use one of our normal patron computers. His face clean shaven. And his golf cap, seemingly identical to the hole-ridden one he's been sporting, was completely free of holes.

I don't know what this means, but it caused me to question whether or not I'd dreamed up the whole laptop / moustache / lost-a-fight-with-a-leaky-battery-hat thing he's had going for the past week.

Tell me, am I dreaming?


Anonymous said...

perhaps in was his evil twin? although in this case it would probably mean he had an extremely pleasant demeanor.

did he??

Leapin Lipid said...

You are not dreaming. B just invented a time machine. (Or will, that was his future self that came in a few days ago.)

Juice S. Aaron said...


You know, he was suspiciously nice. Could it be the moustachioed B-Natural was his evil twin from the mirror universe?

Anonymous said...


An employee of a small town "liberry" chronicles his quest to remain sane while dealing with patrons who could star in a short-lived David Lynch television series.