Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Real Life Interruption

Gonna be a bit of radio silence here for the next couple of days. We're back in North Carolina. Ashley's grandmother, Nonnie, passed away around 1 Monday morning. It wasn't exactly an unexpected passing, as her health had been rapidly declining over the past month. Tell the truth, it's not been so hot over the past ten years since she had her first major stroke, or the past five years or so since she's had to live in assisted living homes and, finally, a nursing home. Mostly, it's come as a relief, as the past couple of weeks have been rough going for her health-wise and it's been pretty upsetting to her family. In the end, she went out fairly comfortably.

According to Nonnie's roommate, Nonnie sat up in bed Sunday afternoon and said, "I'm going home, today." Within hours, she had.

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An employee of a small town "liberry" chronicles his quest to remain sane while dealing with patrons who could star in a short-lived David Lynch television series.